Henry VII came to the throne after defeating Richard III at
the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. He married Elizabeth of York,
that meant he
had control over York and Lancaster.
Henry VIII liked money and, by the time he had died, made a huge profit.
Henry VIII became king accidentally, his elder brother,
Arthur, was
meant to be king but died young.
Henry was into music, hunting, eating and (when he was younger)
He made himself head of the Church of England.
Both Edward and his advisors were deeply Protestant. During his reign
he introduced a new English prayer book.
When visitors came to meet the king they were often told that he was
playing in the back garden.
Like her mother, Mary was Catholic and many Protestants (275) were
burned alive.
She married Phillip II of Spain and wanted to have children but died of
cancer in 1558.
Elizabeth I was , unlike Mary I, was Protestant. She dealt very firmly
with anyone who disagreed with her.
She was never married and in 1562 almost died of smallpox.